Cultivation Practices and Information about Wheat


Scientific Name:Triticum spp

 Wheat is cultivated since pre-historic times in the world. From all possible records, it seems that its center of origin is South Western Asia. It is believed that Aryans brought wheat grains to India and since then it is being grown in India. Records from ancient China show that it is raised there since 2700 BC, and it was also known to Egyptians and inhabitants of Switzerland as early as Stone Age

  Wheat is the one of the staple foods of north Indian population. Wheat grains are ground in to flour (atta) and consumed mostly in the form of chapati or leavened bread. Soft wheat is used for making chapati, bread, cake, biscuits, pastry and other bakery products whereas hard wheat is used for manufacturing rawa, suji, and sewaya. In areas where rice is a staple food grain, wheat is also eaten in the form of puri etc. It is also used for making cakes and sweet meats etc. Wheat grain is used for preparing starch. Wheat straw is used as fodder, padding material and mulching material.